August 18, 2024
Why the Weather?
"Mommy, can you change it back?" I asked. I was 4 years old. My Mom was confused. "Back to what?" she asked. "The colorful map!" I chirped. I Just like that, and I am not kidding... just like that, I was hooked on the weather. I had seen a temperature gradient map that had somehow captured my attention for decades to come. Ever since that very moment, I have been enamored with the weather. Now, I call it "meteorology". When people think it's weird, I embrace it. When they ask why, I proudly explain that I just love the weather. To be more specific, I like the extremes. I don't love "average" weather. I either want it to be super hot, super cold, storming, or snowing. Sure, I love my 70 degree sunny day just like anyone else, but I don't live for it. I live for the snow squall that cripples traffic for hours as my wife is heading home from work (sorry love)... I really just have a genuine appreciation for the weather. In fact, it reminds me of my Creator who designed the very world we live in and all the things in it. It's a beautiful thing, and I am grateful for it. Without it, I wouldn't be who I am today. If you ask just about anyone who has met me what makes me, well, me, they would probably say "the weather".